Harperfield Ministries

Community, Faith and Fellowship


If you missed this conference you truly missed out. Check out our recap slides to see this empowering event.

A 21st Century Ministry for Today's People

Who We Are

Harperfield Ministries is a ministry designed to promote developing a unique relationship with God. This is accomplished through building relationships with persons from every tongue, tribe, nation, and people group, service in community domestic and abroad, and the reproduction of what has been learned and experienced.


Ron Harper

Ronald L. Harper II ("Rev Ron") is a native of Chesapeake,VA. "Rev Ron" as he is affectionately called, is also a U.S. Army Veteran. With over 13 years of Pastoral Ministry, and 30 years of Music Ministry, he brings a wealth of experience to the Kingdom. He is a leadership coach for lay leaders training them to better serve and partner with the Sr. Pastor to fulfill God's mission. He and his wife Aneesha currently serve with The Mount Global Fellowship of Churches under the leadership of Bishop Kim Brown. He is the father to Zonnie, Katelan, and Christian, and Grandfather to little Zonni, and twins Elliott and Eliana. He has a passion for seeing God's message proclaimed to the nations. As it is said "Then I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach to those who dwell on the earth—to every nation, tribe, tongue, and people—Rev 14:6"

Aneesha Harper

Aneesha Harper, a native of Virginia Beach, VA, is no stranger to encouraging and mentoring souls in a dying world. Aneesha has always possessed a passion for the “underdog” with the intent to develop and propel them into their destiny through faith, mentorship, and prayer. Her fervency to advocate for the needy led her to pursue and obtain a bachelor’s degree in Legal Studies from Virginia Intermont College. As she began her professional career in the legal field, she felt compelled to transition into cross cultural work. She then attended Columbia International University where she obtained two graduate degrees a Master’s degree in Ministry Leadership and a Master’s degree in Global Studies. Soon thereafter she attended Liberty University and obtained a Master of Theology in Global Studies. Her love for travel took her work of cross cultural evangelism throughout the states and abroad. Aneesha has done global missions work in both Africa and Central America and has an established goal to extend her evangelistic missions reach to South America and Asia by 2025. A project she is relentless in accomplishing.

A lover of life long learning and music, Aneesha is an avid researcher and is currently pursuing doctoral studies at Missio Seminary delving into scholarly research designed to aid her in impacting effective ministries for widows. A huge Jill Scott fan, Harper is wed to Pastor and musician, Ronald Harper, who keeps her love for music alive along with an entire family of singers and instrumentalists. Aneesha truly lives by the aforementioned psalm that as long as God is within her, she will not fall in any endeavor she is compelled to undertake!

Our Communities

A short overview describing the individual ministries that people can connect with and participate in building community.

First Ladies Wine Club
This ministry is designed to help women connect with other like minded women, and discuss how their faith can inform their everyday lives. This ministry for young professional women wishes to help prepare the next generation of young women for leading successful, fulfilling, and happy lives and understanding that their success, fulfillment, and happiness stems from their strong relationship with God!
Widows N Deed
This ministry is designed to help women connect with women who have lost their spouse. Widows face a particular and unique challenge in life and faith. We aim to help deal with the strong issues of loss and bereavement that may come with the loss of a spouse, and to give a widowed woman a support group in both the short and long term. Widowed women often are left without adequate emotional, mental, and spiritual support following the loss of a spouse. If it is there at all, it tends to be strongest in the beginning and taper off over time. Widows N Deed is meant to provide a support that does not fade.
Our Missions ministry is a way for us to participate in the Mission of God! God is a God that is on Mission and He invites us to participate. This ministry will engage in spreading the Word throughout the world. Participants will have the opportunity to engage their faith in settings abroad, expanding how they understand their faith in countries and with people different from themselves. Trips will be various times throughout the year. Come join us and be apart of the Lord bringing people from every nation, every tongue, every tribe, every people group, to stand around the throne and worship the Lamb that was slain. To Him who sits on the throne who is worthy to receive blessing, honor, glory and power.


As a ministry, we rely on the generosity of our community to support our mission and individuals in their pursuit of a vibrant spiritual life.

Contact Us

Ask questions, discover more information or stay connected to grow in faith together.