

One of my favorite things to do is ask a new person I met about themselves. I want to know where they grew up, if they have any siblings, if they are the oldest, youngest, or in the middle. I want to know where they went to school, what interests them, what kind of music they like and any other information they are willing to share. 


I love learning about the person in my life, but its also like a game for me as I am trying to figure out what makes the person tick. What are their values, what is important to them? Doing this has also helped me to figure out what my values are and how to articulate them. 

I have learned that I value education, being understood, family, my personal space, being authentic, the truth, quiet spaces, and bra less days! Of these I think the ones that are at the top of my list are the truth and being understood. I have come to learn that I do not like being lied to! I would much rather you tell me the truth. Is my dress too tight? Tell me! My breath stinks? Tell me! I hurt your feelings because I answer questions in a very direct manner? Tell me! I would rather you give me an honest answer than you telling me what you think I want to hear. 

I also value being understood. I like for those that interact with me to understand why I may have said something the way I said it, or even how I got to the conclusion that I got to. I do not want everyone I talk to agree with me but rather to understand the why behind my conclusion. 


How you ever been in a situation that rubbed you the wrong way?

Did you ever figure out why it bothered you so? 

What are some values you have noticed in others?

Lastly, what are some of your values? 

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