20 Facts About Me

20 Facts About Me
  1. I love music
  2. I really like wine! 
  3. My favorite wines are Pink
  4. I love clothes with polka dots
  5. My favorite candy when traveling is Bit of Honey
  6. My favorite breakfast food is French toast
  7. I have a theme song every year
  8. I also have a theme scripture every year
  9. I love shoes
  10. I wish I had smaller feet so that it wouldn’t be so hard to shop for shoes
  11. There are somethings that I will pay A LOT of money for and other things that I prefer to get from the dollar store 
  12. I often question my academic abilities and have to convince myself not to quit more times than not
  13. I am NOT a morning person 
  14. I am the oldest of 5 children
  15. Resurrection season is my favorite season of the year!
  16. I have a huge sweet tooth
  17. The only condiment I like it BBQ sauce 
  18. I love to travel
  19. I had a scholarship in college to play softball and this concluded my 13 year softball career
  20. I still can throw a mean fast ball!


Bouns Fact:

I am crazy about my husband! (Or is it: my husband makes me crazy 🤪) either way I’ll keep him.   

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