Pet Peeves

What are some of your pet peeves?


Mine is not having someone’s undivided attention when I am talking to them. This is because when I listen to someone they have all my attention. If I feel that I cannot give that to them I will decline the conversation or even excuse myself out of their presence. 


To add to this I also hate repeating myself. I don’t mind repeating myself for someone that may have missed a word or phrase, but the whole sentence or thought I will decline to repeat! Additionally, If It is something that happens too often when we are in conversation I will stop sharing my thoughts or feelings all together. 


Now please note this is in my personal life in a classroom setting, teaching moment, work, or something to that affect will absolutely go over again whatever information you need from me. But in my personal, intimate relationships I understand your lack of engagement as a need not being met. My love language is quality time. That is time with me and your undivided attention.  


These are two of my pet peeves. I began by asking what are some of your pet peeves? 


Do you think your pet peeves are reasonable?


Do those in your life try to compromise and avoid these on your behalf?


How do you try and avoid others pet peeves?

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